Requests nominations & keys
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Digital Safety Passport

Designations and keys in the Digitaal Veiligheidspaspoort (DVP)

The designation- and key request methods within Tennet has changed as of August 31-2021. TenneT employees (internal & external), as well as employees of TenneT's contractors, will be able to submit requests on their own behalf. Those requests will be processed in the digital safety passport (DVP) made by Certwell. 

On thispage will provide information about the upcoming changes.

Changes in the Request process

As from now employees will be able to register their own requests via the KEB website. This also applies for the external parties such as Alliander and Fluxpower The requests will be directly linked to the digital safety passport (DVP) of the requester. This DVP can be created for free. Assessment and the provision of the nominations and keys will take place within the DVP system.

Changes in TenneT Nominations process

The TenneT nominations process will change as follows:

1. The TenneT nomination structure will be aligned with the STIPEL-structure, for instance 'AVP TR (BEI BHS)'. This will lead to increased recognisability, separate nominations for low-voltage (LS) and high-voltage (HS) and separatenominations for TenneT Offshore.

2. Additional requirements will be issued to apply for nominations: the Poortinstructie (gate instruction), Levensreddend Handelen (life-saving actions) and kleine blusmiddelen (small fire extinguishers) (or BHV) will  be required for every nomination. For the first nomination request, a signed basisinstructie (basic instruction) is required. This document is a declaration of a TenneT Werkverantwoordelijke (WV) (work responsible) who declares the employee to be sufficiently proficient for the work. Requirements per nomination can be found here. 

3. TenneT employees of the GFO and SOP units will have their certificates automatically imported from the TenneT Academy (except for the Basisinstructie). All other employees are required to upload the certificates themselves.

4. Nominations are issued without an end date and will remain valid, based on the validity of the underlying certificates (such as STIPEL or VCA).

Changes in key requests

Every owner of a TenneT nomination can make a request for keys. This is also applicable for employees of contract parties  (such as Stedin or BAM) who work on TenneT's behalf. For those parties, the request for keys is reviewed and submitted by a key applicant from their own organisation..

Why these changes? To have more control on safety

Act safe, stay safe! One of TenneT's top priorities is for employees to come home safe after a day of work by using safe working methods. Therefore it is of utmost importance for employees possess correct and valid certificates and nominations. The new request procedure and connection to DVP provides TenneT real-time insight on the validity of nominations and certificates as well as an overview of issued keys. Employees can directly see their own nomintions,compliance to the requirements for their job and the expiration date of certificates. They can also see which keys are currently in their possession. This results in more control over your own safety.

What does this mean for me?

Initially, nothing will change for current holders of nominations and keys. The nomination will remain valid as issued and the keys will remain in possession.. If you want to apply for a new designation or key or want to change an existing designation, you can submit a request yourself on the new application page. This request will then be processed in the applicant's DVP.


Do you have questions about the changes, take a look at 'Veelgestelde vragen' first. If the question is not stated on the website, please send an email to


1. Aanwijzingen – eisen matrix

2. Handleiding Digitaal Veiligheidspaspoort

3. Handleiding TenneT sleutelaanvrager externe partijen

4. Instructievideo Certwell-pas koppelen aan TenneT DVP

5. Instructievideo Sleutelaanvragers 

6. Presentatie Instructie Sleutelaanvragers

7. Basisinstructie

8. Veelgestelde vragen